Mining proposals discussed - Strydom

Published Oct 10, 2012


Johannesburg - A number of proposals aimed at restoring stability in the gold mining sector were discussed at a meeting with unions on Tuesday, the Chamber of Mines said in a statement.

Senior executive Elize Strydom said in a statement that it was critical for all parties to work at resolving the unprotected strikes facing the industry.

“This is important not only for the companies, the unions and the mineworkers, but also for the economic and social well-being of the country as a whole.”

The National Union of Mineworkers, Solidarity and the United Association of South Africa met the Chamber and reiterated their commitment to the collective bargaining processes and existing collective agreements.

The Chamber endorsed a proposal previously made by the Congress of South African Trade Unions, that a commission of inquiry be appointed to probe the living and working conditions in the gold mining industry.

Speaking for AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields and Harmony, the Chamber proposed doing away with category three, so that entry level in the gold mining industry became category four. As such, the entry level rate would be increased.

A new category would be created for locomotive, loader, winch and water jet operators, which would improve salaries.

Other employees would also have their pay adjusted to preserve the integrity of the present job grading framework.

An allowance for rock drill operators was also proposed.

The meeting also recommitted to finalising their discussions on better use of mining assets and improved productivity by March next year.

On Wednesday, the unions would present the Chamber's proposals to their members. - Sapa

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