Best performing South African shares to consider investing in 2020

The market is flourishing, the reason being the rapid growth rate of the major corporate giants in the region.

The market is flourishing, the reason being the rapid growth rate of the major corporate giants in the region.

Published Sep 10, 2020


The market is flourishing, the reason being the rapid growth rate of the major corporate giants in the region.

This trend is gaining traction not just from the national market but from investors from all over internationally who are looking into the best shares to buy in South Africa.

Another reason, for this temptation, is the easy accessibility of the Johannesburg share market which is free from regulations and restrictions. The legal situation has always been the same, but what’s new is the growth of National companies which has caught the eye of big investment fishes from all across the globe.

With so many options at your disposal, it becomes difficult to make the right choice.

After all, it’s your hard-earned money that’s at stake. Considering the intensity of the situation, we have here compiled a list of most lucrative and rewarding shares of South African Companies that you can choose from. This list has been compromised after in-depth study and analysis for over the last few years and hence is quite reliable. Let’s see what all options you have:

British American Tobacco Company

The ever booming and growing tobacco and Cigarette market is one reason that can be accredited to the growth of this company. The share of this tobacco giant has never seen a downfall and has been rising ever since it got listed on the JSE. In fact, it is one of the largest corporates with the highest market capitalization; this is what makes it such a lucrative stock option.

It’s earnings have been increasing year after year since 2017 and it has been giving an annual return of 7% to its investors which is the highest of all.

Even during the period of uncertainties, the Company has shown no prospects of decline.


As compared to Curro, Naspers share is way more expensive but all that is made up for with increased returns. The company has been showing promising results for many years and that’s what has to lead the shares prices to this high. It’s a high-valued company known for its credibility and business values.

Its strength lies in its growth and development plans and the fact that it is the quickest to act on growth opportunities.

This has what garnered investors faith in its business and made it a top pick for many of them.

Gold Fields Limited

Another best performer and the list-topper on JSE is Gold Fields Limited. The reason being the industry it’s operating in which is related to mining the precious metal Gold.

The one thing that was constant even during the pandemic and economic crash down was the increase in the gold prices.

Something that is directly related to the operations of the company. While this precious metal will always be on a rise so will be the Gold Fields share prices.

As the trend has always been so that during uncertainties people take to gold investment, its share prices increase exorbitantly high during those periods of economic lows. This makes Gold Field’s shares one of the most sought after investments in South Africa.

Curro Holdings

Curro Holdings is an independent network of educational institutions which owns and operates schools in South Africa. Its share price is low and affordable but makes a good investment decision as it has been witnessing an upwards growth trajectory for some years now.

The Company’s internal management strategies and development plans have proven to be effective time and again and hence it has gained the trust of investors.

The rapid rate at which the education sector is growing is one dynamic that has kept its prices stable and even increasing. Considering the current state of the economy, education seems to be among the only few sectors which are protected against economic slowdowns, and hence Curro makes a good investment opportunity and a smart move to diversify your portfolio and spread it across sectors like Education.


This South African freight company is one of the oldest and the most reputed brand names in the region. It’s high liquidity rate and cash flow is what makes it a safe and secure investment opportunity. Apart from a stable income, the company has shown great prospects in terms of earning and also maintaining a yearly 8% growth in revenue over the last couple of years.

While the company has always been a preferred share choice by the locals, it was recently only that it caught the eye of international investors and showed a further increase in the share price.

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