Homeless ‘hopeless’ amid 2024 elections



Published May 30, 2024


“It’s difficult remaining hopeful in a hopeless situation.”

Bruce Reid, who lives on the streets of Cape Town, said he did not vote as he was not hopeful of change.

“I lost my ID many years ago and have recently reapplied, but I hadn’t intended to vote. I have not voted in about 20 years due to the state of things in the country,” Reid said.

“This country and its government are not creating jobs for anyone and they’re not going to. It’s going to take a miracle. Most of our products are imported. There are no sustainable industries that are using local labour.

“Homelessness is not something that will be made away with as it is something that exists everywhere around the world, so when people are promised houses, we know it’s a lie. I haven’t voted in more than 20 years because it just isn’t something that gives me hope,” said Reid.

Thurlow Jonker said he understood it was important to vote in the national election.

“I know it is a very important time for our country and the responsibility one has to vote and to make a change.

I just did not vote as I lost my ID and never got to reapply for one. Also, because I do not have the funds to do so. It costs to replace the ID and that is money I do not have.

“I can only hope that the government that takes over wants to sort out homelessness, poverty and better job creation. We all are struggling and want a better life, even on the streets.

We want to live dignified lives and hope the government can give us hope by seeing us as people who are part of society,” said Jonker.

Enquiries to the Electoral Commission were not answered by deadline on Wednesday.

Cape Times