Planting trees, leaving legacies for Tata Mandela

Members of Merewest Community Foundation and local businesses celebrated Mandela Day by planting trees in Merebank south of Durban. | Willem Phungula/ Independent Newspapers

Members of Merewest Community Foundation and local businesses celebrated Mandela Day by planting trees in Merebank south of Durban. | Willem Phungula/ Independent Newspapers

Published Jul 19, 2024


Durban — To emulate Nelson Mandela and leave a good legacy behind, the Merewest Community Foundation has embarked on a series of community projects in and around Merebank south of Durban.

To mark Nelson Mandela International Day, the foundation supported by local businesses, mostly security companies, planted trees at the corner of Himalayas Road on Thursday as the start of legacy projects the foundation will embark on.

Speaking at the event, the foundation’s chairperson, Premilla Deonath, called on the Merebank community and people at large to emulate Mandela by leaving a good legacy behind.

Deonath said Mandela may be long gone, but he left a rich will for everyone, which everyone should emulate.

“How we will want to be remembered after death is very important, so we need to start doing good things now for our families, our communities, our province and our country so that our names would not go down to the grave with us, but always be remembered by not only our families but also our communities as well,” said Deonath.

The event was attended by DA councillor in eThekwini Thabani Ndlovu, who commended the foundation and Merebank community for their contribution to the upliftment of communities not only around Merebank but in eThekwini as well.

Social Development and Sasol donated food packages to vulnerable communities for their Mandela Day celebration. | Supplied

Also in attendance was the former DA councillor Sithembiso Ngema, who was the main guest speaker.

Ngema commended the foundation and reminded them about the background of the foundation, saying the community members started clearing an illegal dumping site which had blocked the road for pupils a few years ago, and then decided to form a foundation that has become a voice of the community of the ward which incorporates Wema Hostel and Lamontville township, where he is from.

Ngema said he was a living witness that the foundation was not only concerned about the Merebank community issues, since it had made several donations to Lamontville people.

During Ngema’s time as eThekwini councillor, he fought service delivery wars with the Merebank community, especially over intermittent sewage spillage.

Ithala, Edtea, Lion Match and other business celebrated Mandela Day by donating shoes to needy pupils. | Supplied

KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC Mbali Shinga also celebrated Mandela, joining forces with South African Breweries (SAB) to plant vegetables at a shelter for gender-based violence (GBV) victims, to make an impact in society.

SAB, department employees and community volunteers got together to extend the garden at Ocean View Centre/Khuseleka One Stop Centre for GBV and femicide survivors.

Ithala Bank along with Bata SA, KZN Tourism, and Lion Match celebrated Mandela Day by donating 150 pairs of school shoes to Fredville Primary School in Inchanga.

AmaZulu Football Club renovated Qambokwethu Primary School in KwaDlangezwa, northern KwaZulu-Natal as part of their celebration for Mandela Day. From Left: Zama Nene, Sandile Khumalo, Sphephelo Majola, Tebogo Mashigo, Brighton Mitsunemye, Sinenjabulo Zungu-Ntuli, Nombulelo Nkosi, Carlo Ally, Simon Mkhwanazi. Picture: Supplied

AmaZulu Football Club celebrated the day by partnering with Build It Zululand to renovate Qambokwethu Primary School in KwaDlangezwa.

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