Prince Kaybee is reminded about his viral d*** pics following Zanele Sifuba’s sex tape drama

Prince Kaybee. Picture: Instagram

Prince Kaybee. Picture: Instagram

Published Nov 9, 2022


Zanele Sifuba, speaker of the ANC Free State Legislature, is currently the talk of the town on Twitter after she refused to pay a R300 000 bribe to a young man who blackmailed her. Now he has leaked her sex video online for everyone to see.

The recent drama has award-winning DJ and music producer Prince Kaybee thinking about the time that his d*** pictures trended.

He recently took to Twitter to let his people know that ever since the incident, which left his mother in tears and disappointed, he has not been able to forgive himself.

“When I look at the Zanele Sifuba unfortunate incident I remember being on the phone with my mother for over an hour after my D**k was doing rounds. Had never heard her so disappointed, she cried throughout the call and I haven’t been able to forgive myself….”.

— K A B I L L I O N (@PrinceKaybee_SA) November 9, 2022

He continued: “In all the trauma Mama Zanele is going to endure right now, her shame, guilt and disgust for herself will first be inspired by her kids, close relatives and other members of her family because I’m certain those are the people she’s gnna have a tough time facing.”

The “Fetch Your Life” hitmaker made headlines at the time after a woman named DJ Hazel Mahazard took to social media to share screenshots of a conversation between her and Kaybee, which alluded to them sharing more than a platonic relationship.

A sexual photograph was included in one of the posts.

While Kaybee issued a public statement admitting to cheating, he sought legal action over the “offensive statements” and publishing of his “nudes”.

After being served with a letter of demand by Kaybee, Hazel issued a public apology for “offending statements” and distributing “sexual photographs”.

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