‘Women have the control to change how they want to be treated’ - Somizi’s remarks rub people up the wrong way

Somizi Mhlongo. Picture: Instagram

Somizi Mhlongo. Picture: Instagram

Published Jul 13, 2023


On Wednesday, media personality Somizi Mhlongo and his co-host Khutso Theledi had an interesting discussion around relationships on Metro FM’s mid-morning show.

Theledi shared a sound bite of the interview shortly afterwards in which the 50-year-old shared his thoughts on the role women have in influencing how men treat them and the importance of abstaining from sex before marriage.

“We might not be able to change how men treat women but women have the control to change how they wanna be treated and the buck stops there. So if you as a mother were not able to do that, please at least teach your daughter,” he shared.

“You know those steps that they talk about Khutso, sometimes we think no we think that they’re holier than thou and they’ve got a high morale ground, but those steps they’re bigger than what we think they are.”

He went on to make an example of how he believed parents should teach their children to use protection during sexual intercourse.

“I myself have failed but it doesn’t mean I can’t teach my daughter to make sure that my daughter does not skip those steps in order for her not to call ‘Ask A Man’… if you stick to those steps, your life becomes less complicated.”

— Khutso Theledi (@KhutsoTheledi) July 12, 2023

Somizi went on to add that “sex doesn’t end” and that there’s more to life than sex.

He concluded with a plea, “My little girl, please use protection until you are legally the wife who’s going to be the mother of the child. If you can, please do that.”

People have shared mixed feelings to Mhlongo’s interview on social media. “What are these men being taught when women learn all of these things, everything on the shoulders of women nothing on men,” commented @mmabatho2708.

— Mmabatho (@Mmabatho2708) July 12, 2023

“It’s tough being a woman man. 💔💔💔 it’s even harder being a girl child,” added @junior_mthembu_ before he questioned why Metro had given Somizi this platform. “Also why are we taking advise from a convicted sexual offender and abuser?? I’m so mad at Metro for this.”

@thembeka91 shared how she felt Theledi had set Somizi up. “Lol I’m not sure if you did this on purpose, but girl..you really set this guy up for failure…love your work👌🏽”