Independent Media committed to ethical journalism

Published 5h ago


The Independent on Saturday and other titles within the Independent Media stable remain committed to the principles of good, fair and responsible journalism despite our withdrawal from the Press Council of South Africa.

That the council refused to accept our withdrawal ‒ from a voluntary body, which members join and leave at will ‒ and chose instead to announce Independent Media’s “expulsion” a day later serves only to illustrate the power games at play.

The Independent on Saturday refuses to participate in such petty gamesmanship and remains focused on delivering news that serves the interests of its readers ‒ news that educates, informs, entertains and provides food for thought.

We are proud to uphold the values of free speech, media freedom and journalistic integrity. Our commitment to telling the truth and giving voice to all perspectives is stronger than ever.

However, our withdrawal from the council mechanism is not meant to convey that we consider ourselves beyond reproach ‒ far from it.

An alternate, internal path is provided in the person of Independent Media’s public editor Aneez Salie for readers to claim relief where they feel we fall short.

Supported by an attorney, this is Independent Media’s proactive step to uphold the principles of accountability and ethical journalism.

Complaints must be submitted via email to [email protected]