Breaking the thumb-sucking habit

Published Jan 26, 2010


By Life Reporter

Can thumb-sucking in children lead to malformed permanent teeth? Most orthodontists believe it can in fact lead to long-term dental problems.

This includes improperly aligned teeth (malocclusion) or causing teeth to push outward and in some instances the malforming of the roof (upper palate) of the mouth.

The mouth provides a baby's first contact with the external world, and sucking is an infant's first co-ordinated muscular activity. Scans have shown that babies even suck their thumb before they are born.

But the South African Society of Orthodontists (Saso) says prolonged thumb-sucking can deform a child's upper dental arch, cause cross-bite, protruded teeth, and create an open bite. The extent of these negative consequences is affected by the duration of the habit, the daily frequency of the habit, and the manner in which the thumb is placed into the mouth.

"Thumb-sucking becomes a more serious problem however after the age of four or five, when the child's permanent teeth come in. At this stage if the child is still sucking his or her thumb, it may lead to problems with the proper growth of the mouth and alignment of the teeth. It can also cause changes in the roof of the mouth. The intensity of the sucking is a factor that determines whether or not dental problems may result. If children rest their thumbs passively in their mouths, they are less likely to have difficulty than those who vigorously suck their thumbs. Some aggressive thumb-suckers may cause problems with their baby (primary) teeth," Saso said.

But how to break the habit without causing trauma to a child whose thumb-sucking may be an indicator of behavioural problems?

Saso says attempts to stop the sucking habit should only be instigated when the following criteria have been met:

- Assessing whether the child is mature enough to deal with a restraint of the habit.

- The child has expressed a clear understanding and desire to be helped.

- Gaining the support, understanding and co-operation of both parents.

- Creating a platform where the child has been made aware of a "reward" situation rather than a punishment scenario.

"Habit breaking methods are varied and include: Painting the thumb or digit with a commercially unpleasant tasting substance or taping the offending digit or using a glove. Appliances can also be used either as a removable or a fixed oral unit."

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