Play a little when choosing childcare

Published Oct 16, 2000


There's one essential ingredient that makes a good pre-school great, and that is play.

Play is the cornerstone of early childhood development learning.

Children use it to investigate the world around them, integrating and assimilating their play experiences as they mature.

So it stands to reason that the more varied the play activities they're exposed to, the better their potential for growth and learning will be.

Games aside...

Finding childcare facilities that recognise play as an integral medium for learning is vital.

However, there is more to a pre-school than the curriculum.

Take along this checklist as you embark on your quest to ensure your peace of mind.


* Is the atmosphere happy, caring and child-centred?

* How many children are there in each class? An over-crowded class for your child is not ideal.

* Programmes and weekly planners should be on display in each classroom.

* Are the teachers and caregivers appropriately trained with relevant experience?

* Is the centre up-to-date with new developments in education?

* What communication channels exist between the parents and the school? (Enquire about parent/information evenings, newsletters and progress reports.)

* Is the staff security conscious? What are the emergency procedures? Are the fire extinguishers in good working order?

* Is the outside play area planned well? Is it stimulating with a variety of available activities?

* Is there adequate adult supervision at all times?

* Is the staff up-to-date with first aid training?

* Are meals provided? If so, what meals are served?

* What type of control does the staff have over any medicine which needs to be administered?

Once you've selected a school that matches all the above criteria, give your child some time to settle in and consult with the teacher frequently to discuss her adjustment to the new environment.

Constant assurance that your child is in excellent hands confirms that your efforts have not been in vain.

Shane Titta and Sue McQueen are members of the Edenvale/Bedfordview Nursery School Liaison Committee.

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