Taming the teething torture

Published Oct 19, 2000


Chill a teething ring (in fridge) or use ones that have cooling gel built-in.

Buy two teething rings as this allows you to clean the one while still letting your baby use from the other.

If need be, give your baby Junior Panado (follow recommended dose) or try sugar-free teething gels.

If her gums are no too tender you can even try massaging them with your finger.

Give your baby sticks of carrots or cucumbers from the fridge to chew on under supervision.

Give her lots of fluids as the frequent drooling that accompanies teething can result in increased thirst.

The first signs of those tiny pearly whites are wonderfully heartwarming moments.

However, those first teeth cutting through your baby's gums also bring discomfort, pain and irritability.

Take note of the following to ease teething problems and facilitate proper toothcare once they've come through.

Early signs of teething

Some babies experience pain-free teething while others have minor discomfort.

Common signs include redder gums or a white bump under the gums, cheeks that are inflamed, excessive dribbling, increased irritability and chewing of fingers.

Development of first teeth

Your baby is born with teeth in place in his gums, which usually start to come through at about six months, although it varies from baby to baby.

Some babies still have no teeth at one year, but most of the teeth will be through when they're two and a half.

Girls often teeth earlier than boys and if you were a late teether, your baby may be as well.

When to begin brushing of teeth

You should begin brushing teeth as soon as they appear.

Use a soft baby toothbrush and a drop of baby toothpaste.

If your baby resists a toothbrush, try using a clean finger and try with the brush again a while later.

Be careful not to let your child get into the habit of eating too much toothpaste as to much fluoride is bad for the teeth.

Once they have learned to brush their own teeth, (this happens without supervision at about six to seven years) teach them how to rinse with water.

Good foods for good toothcare

Restrict fruit juices (that are diluted well) to meal times only.

Give your baby water or milk between meals. Try giving him sugar-free medicines.

Avoid baby foods with added sugar or concentrated fruit juice. Look for hidden sugars in prepared foods. Avoid sugary snacks between meals.

if your baby requires a bottle to sleep at night, fill it with water (not juice).

The importance of early toothcare

The objective of brushing is plaque removal as this attacks tooth enamel.

Healthy first teeth are important as they secure a sturdy foundation of gums and jaws for second teeth. In addition, prevention of toothache is wise as this is unpleasant for your child.

Links between teething and other illnesses

There may be a link between teething and nappy rash, although most experts are of the opinion that there is no connection between teething and any other illness including fever, diarrhoea or earache.

In this regard parents are warned against being hasty to attribute illness to teething and should rather still consult their health care provider if concerned.

Visiting the dentist

It's always a good idea to take your toddler with you on your visits as this helps them to get used to the dental environment.

At about two and a half your child could go for their own checkup.

Thereafter take them every six months.

Take the tantrums out of brushing by allowing baby to choose his own toothbrush - show him the ones with cute designs.

Make brushing a combined task - let them clean yours too. Let them watch themselves brush their teeth.

Turn brushing into game playing and adventures.

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