Alcoholic drink Spiked called out for using term that promotes rape culture

A brand new alcoholic beverage, Spiked has received a lot of negative feedback on social media because of its ’inappropriate name’. Picture: Twitter

A brand new alcoholic beverage, Spiked has received a lot of negative feedback on social media because of its ’inappropriate name’. Picture: Twitter

Published Apr 17, 2021


A new alcoholic beverage, Spiked, has received a lot of negative feedback on social media due to its “inappropriate name”.

The brand, which originates in Nairobi, Kenya, was called out for choosing to use a term that promotes rape culture. Many Twitter users pointed out the offensive nature of the name and how such a term has contributed to the ongoing violence targeted at women.

@Thandeka__teez wrote: “You decided to choose a name that has bad memories to other people also related with being drugged without knowing which may lead to rape and human trafficking.”

@SelineVW wrote: “Geez this is so tone-deaf given the unprecedented level of GBV we’re subjected to. You can’t just “redefine” a word like this to suit yourself in your “pinned tweet”. Just a stupid concept through and through. Just stop. And fire your branding team.”

@Ashante_Parker wrote: “Your brand needs to be banned before it can hit the shelves bcz you're a disgraced company on top of a high number of criminal activities in this country. Go back to the boardroom and come up with a better concept. Maybe it can have a good influence on this injured nation.”

In a series of tweets, the brand team wrote that they advocate for sexual consent and that the meaning behind their concept is “one being different and totally okay with it”, but tweeps were not having it.

— Spiked_AF (@SpikedAfrica) February 5, 2021

@AugustineTinno wrote: “No ways. You did not just make up that definition imagine redefining the word ”rape“ with something nice haa.a.”

@MrsNamjoon94 also commented that they cannot just give a word a whole new meaning and expect people to be okay with it.

IOL Lifestyle tried to contact the team but they could not be reached for comment.