How to break your technology addiction with an Island experience

Picture: Yasmine Jacobs/IOL

Picture: Yasmine Jacobs/IOL

Published Oct 28, 2022


Let’s be real. We are addicted to our phones and one day without technology can make you feel disconnected and lost. But that might be a good thing.

What if you had a way to live your best life and disconnect from all things electronic?

Enter Corona Island. It's the dream destination without the heavy carbon footprint. It's your Island hopping fantasy without the stress of the outside world. But most importantly, its a way to relax and unwind.

“Corona Island is an island that makes you disconnect from your everyday routine, from the humdrum of your life to disconnect from the world and connect with what Mother Nature has to offer,” said Corona SA marketing manager Melanie Nicholson.

In a fantastically strange but pleasant way, Corona Island forces you to get out of your technological comfort zone and let's you get back in touch with everything that Mother Nature has to generously offer. No phones. No devices. Just good old-fashioned bonding with our fellow human beings where limited internet is the order of the day. But what will you do without internet?

The answer is everything. You can have a conversation with friends or take a swim in the warm Caribbean ocean. You can even take a nap in the hammock - provided you put on a layer or two of sunblock. When we aren’t glued to our devices, you will find that the natural world has so much to offer.

Admittedly, it is probably hard at first to be so disconnected but it is probably one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences you could ever have.