Learners discover body under a mobile classroom at an Alexandra primary school



Published Jun 3, 2022


Johannesburg – Primary school pupils at an Alexandra school discovered skeletal remains under a mobile classroom during break time on Thursday, education authorities said.

Authorities said MC Weiler Primary School learners discovered a body under a mobile classroom during break.

Police confirmed that the children found a human skeleton on the Alexandra school’s premises on Thursday.

Gauteng Department of Education spokesperson Steve Mabona said they were unsettled by the discovery.

“This unsettling discovery was made during school break between 11am and 11.30am, when learners allegedly went to fetch a soccer ball that was underneath the Grade 5A mobile classroom.

“The learners reportedly identified their discovery as a human skeleton and immediately informed their educators.”

The school management is said to have phoned the police and released the learners from school at 1pm to allow police to conduct the necessary investigations.

Police removed the body from the school and said an investigation would be conducted.

“Police officials inspected the scene and the learner’s discovery was confirmed to be a human skeleton. The body was then removed from the scene and police indicated that an inquest case will be investigated accordingly,” said Mabona

The Gauteng Department of Education has provided the school with counselling and trauma support for all affected learners and staff.

“While we await further reports from the police regarding this matter, learning at the school will continue with necessary psycho-social support,” said Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi.