Disability month: Disability grant applicants urged to lodge an appeal if denied

The government has urged applicants for disability grants to file an appeal if their application is denied. File Picture: David Ritchie / Independent Newspapers

The government has urged applicants for disability grants to file an appeal if their application is denied. File Picture: David Ritchie / Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 14, 2023


As South Africa commemorates Disability Awareness Month, it is important to empower disabled individuals.

This is because they face enormous struggles compared to those who are abled.

Among the issues disabled people face is that of jobs. Many disabled people in the country rely on the South African Social Security Agency’s (Sassa) grant to get by.

However, when applying, others find that their applications have been denied.

So, the government has urged applicants for disability grants to file an appeal if their application is denied.

“The appeal must be lodged within 90 days after receiving a rejection letter, and the process of reviewing the appeal takes 30 days. If the applicant does not understand the rejection reasons, they have a right to ask Sassa officials to provide clarity," said Sassa.

The agency went on to explain that due to the budget review, all authorised disability grant applicants would receive an increase of R2,090 monthly by the Minister of Finance in October 2023.

Sassa noted that the applicant should be aware that Sassa collaborates with expert medically contracted doctors to ensure that qualified applicants get the disability allowance.

The applicant must meet the following requirements:

– Be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee permanently residing in South Africa.

– Be 18 to 59 years of age.

– Undergo a medical or functional assessment confirming disability.

– Provide clinical information or a referral form confirming the disability.

– Provide a referral form duly completed by a treating facility or practitioner if previously rejected on medical grounds.

– The applicant and spouse must be subjected to the means test.

– Not be in receipt of another social grant.