MATRICS happy about results. The Independent Examination Board’s NSC results have shown a slight increase to 98.39% for the Class of 2021.Picture: Thobile Mathonsi/African News Agency/ANA
THE Independent Examination Board (IEB) has released it's results for Matric 2021 with the pass mark at 98.39% – a fraction up from last year’s mark of 98.06%.
The Class of 2021 is the second group of matrics to write their examinations during the Covid-19 pandemic.
They are also the worst affected by the pandemic as they lost 50% of their Grade 11 learning time.
This is according to Umalusi - the council which sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualifications.
Anne Oberholzer, the IEB chief executive said the Class of 2021 were the “true victims” of Covid-19.
“As with an iceberg, the achievement we see in the class of 2021 hides the depth of the struggle and effort that underpins this success. These Grade 12 learners were the true victims of Covid-19. The Class of 2021 has had to dig deep mentally and emotionally to find the strength to face the tremendous challenges of a radically changed teaching and learning environment of the last two years. They truly deserve the accolades they receive,” she said.
According to the IEB board, 12 857 full-time and 968 part-time candidates sat for the IEB National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations.
This is an increase from 2020 when there were 12 024 full-time candidates and 1 139 part-time candidates.
Oberholzer said 89.2% of the cohort achieved entry to degree study, compared to 88.41% in 2020 while 7.82% qualified for entry to diploma study, compared to 8.14% in 2020. In addition, 1.37% achieved entry for study at the Higher Certificate level, compared to 1.5% in 2020.
Explaining the impact the pandemic has had on the matric 2021 cohort, Oberholzer said Grade 11 is spent primarily on ensuring that learners have a firm grasp and full understanding of key concepts and content in their respective subjects of study. She said only the first term of Grade 12 is often spent on completion of the curriculum while for the rest of the year matrics are exposed to applications of the concepts and content.
“The journey for Grade 12 candidates of 2021 was somewhat different with school closures from as early as March 2020 and then sporadically throughout the year, continuing right through their Grade 12 year. They experienced a disruptive change of an unprecedented nature within a relatively short space of time,” Oberholzer said.
Yesterday, Umalusi Council chairman Professor John Volmink confirmed that the IEB NSC examinations had no systemic irregularities and were credible. He said the executive committee had approved the release of the IEB results.
Those who would like to apply for remarking can do so by Friday, January 28. Results for remarking will be released on March 15. Meanwhile, the closing date for learners who qualify to enrol for the May/June examination is March 30.
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