Tourism reaffirms its commitment to empowering youth at 2022 NTCE

Deputy Tourism Minister, Fish Mahlalela addresses the 2022 National Tourism Careers Expo, which offered the youth a glimpse into the world of tourism and hospitality as a potential career.

Deputy Tourism Minister, Fish Mahlalela addresses the 2022 National Tourism Careers Expo, which offered the youth a glimpse into the world of tourism and hospitality as a potential career.

Published Oct 25, 2022


The Department of Tourism reaffirmed its commitment to empowering youth in the sector at the 13th edition of the National Tourism Careers Expo (NTCE), which was held at the Johannesburg Expo Centre in Nasrec from September 30 till October 2, 2022.

More than 8 000 youth gathered for the three-day expo that profiled employment and business opportunities offered in the tourism sector.

The NTCE is a collaborative programme between the Department of Tourism; the Culture Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority (CATHSSETA); and the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, which is represented by its marketing agency, the Gauteng Tourism Authority (GTA).

Themed “Rethinking Tourism – Career Opportunities Await,” the 2022 NTCE inspired the youth to think outside the box, and pursue sustainable livelihoods in tourism.

“The youth are at the cusp of making life-changing decisions as they map out their career paths. We are pleased to have had an opportunity to offer them a glimpse into the world of tourism and hospitality as a potential career,” said Deputy Tourism Minister, Fish Mahlalela.

Tourism’s potential to create business and employment opportunities has positioned the sector as a significant economic driver. Its ability to generate demand and production across various sectors of the economy affirms the sector’s critical contribution in the implementation of South Africa’s economic reconstruction and recovery plan.

“We have brought in multi-sector industry players to engage with the youth, and provide information that will empower them to succeed as employees or entrepreneurs in tourism,” added Mahlalela.

The 2022 NTCE was a highly interactive platform that featured the following:

The Chef’s Corner

Youth interested in a culinary career were enthralled by a cook-off among graduates of the National Youth Chefs Training Programme, facilitated by the South African Chefs Association (SAChefs).

Mixology Corner

The Mixology Corner brought the art of creating fun, enjoyable beverages to life. Mixology is a special craft that is growing in popularity worldwide.

Hospitality Corner

The Hospitality Corner offered insight into the diverse range of careers in hotel and event management, as well as casino directorship.

Conservation Corner

Nature conservation impacts on the future sustainability of tourism. Youth interested in nature gained insight on how to join this industry.

The Recruitment Arena

Job seekers and potential employers met to engage on critical aspects that relate to job hunting, with a focus on crafting curriculum vitae (CV) and preparing for interviews.

Educators’ Seminar

The 2022 NTCE was a highly interactive platform that featured various tourism sectors.

Educators engaged with speakers from various institutions, industry bodies and organisations on the tourism curriculum to sharpen their skills on teaching tourism.

The tourism sector has long been a lifeline that has provided young and old with employment and entrepreneurial opportunities that have transformed lives and communities. As the sector rebuilds and works towards recovery, efforts to reignite tourism will require an inclusive and transformative approach that ensures that all, in particular the youth, enjoy the benefits of the success of the industry.

“The Covid-19 pandemic altered and diversified the work environment globally - and opportunities abound.

“An empowered and adequately skilled workforce is critical for the success of the tourism sector, and our overall economy. Not only will it improve our global competitiveness, but it will also enhance visitor experience and assure the sector’s sustainability,” concluded Mahlalela.

For more information on the NTCE visit