ANC to hold crisis talks over cabinet deadlock with DA as Zuma’s MK Party waits in the wings

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa (CL) attends the Special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting in Cape Town on June 13, 2024. The ANC's National Executive Committee is set to meet this weekend to resolve a deadlock with the Democratic Alliance over cabinet positions. Photo by Wikus de Wet / AFP

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa (CL) attends the Special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting in Cape Town on June 13, 2024. The ANC's National Executive Committee is set to meet this weekend to resolve a deadlock with the Democratic Alliance over cabinet positions. Photo by Wikus de Wet / AFP

Published Jun 27, 2024


The ANC's National Executive Committee is expected to meet this weekend to discuss the deadlock with the Democratic Alliance (DA) over cabinet positions.

A senior ANC insider has confirmed the meeting, saying there's frantic attempts to 'cool down' tempers following the DA's list of demands.

"From the beginning, we were not happy with this coalition with the DA and now its worse after their demands on cabinet positions, so it was decided we have to meet before any decisions are taken. We wanted to be consulted before any pronouncements are made in light of the DA's demands which many of us felt was very entitled," the source told IOL.

The deadlock with the DA centres around what the DA says was agreed on and accusations that the ANC is now reneging on it.

Key to the dispute is the Ministerial head of Trade, Industry and Competition which the DA claims it was promised.

Instead, it says, president Cyril Ramaphosa has backtracked and is offering the DA the Tourism portfolio instead.

The about-turn has led to anger within the DA, prompting many to call for the party to walk away.

"The DA would have brought stability and greater oversight. The ANC acted in bad faith by not keeping to its word so we are happy to walk away and continue sitting on the opposition benches as we've done for the past 30 years,“ a senior DA source said.

“But Ramaphosa should then not expect any protection from us when there's a vote of no confidence in him or when the Phala Phala matter is raised," the source added.

With the GNU on the brink of collapse, the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK) has been circling at a close distance.

"You see? We warned about this. But it's fine, we are here, still prepared to talk to the ANC. At the end of the day our policies are the same, we want the same things for our people. We are already talking to Gauteng which is why they haven't pronounced on their cabinet yet. Our message to the ANC is not to be afraid. Don't be bullied by the DA, let's talk," MK senior official Muzi Ntshingila told IOL.

Ramaphosa is said to be caught between trying to broker a deal with the DA to protect the market on the one hand and calm the anger within the party over its decision to co-opt the DA on the other.

IOL Politics