Brutality of Precious Ramabulana's death 'blows mind' of Police Minister

The lifeless body of Precious Ramabulana, a Capricorn TVET student, was discovered on Sunday in her room. Picture: Twitter

The lifeless body of Precious Ramabulana, a Capricorn TVET student, was discovered on Sunday in her room. Picture: Twitter

Published Nov 28, 2019


Johannesburg - Police Minister Bheki Cele said the brutality of Limpopo student Precious Ramabulana death blew his mind. 

Cele made the comment after the arrest of the alleged killer was apprehended on Thursday afternoon. 

Speaking at the National Press Club on Thursday morning, the minister of police said he was confused by the underlying reason for the nature of such an awful attack on the Capricorn TVET College student. 

Ramabulana was horrifically hacked to death, being stabbed 52 times and her body being discovered in a room she was renting on Sunday. 

“Why would you really do this because I'm sure by the time you stab her for the twentieth time, she is dead. But you continue and you stab her twenty more times,” Cele said.

He said that type of brutality will have to be explained only by the alleged murderer.

Cele said he was pleased with the arrest. Initially, the perpetrator was believed to be a person who was in a relationship with her as trends have shown. Instead, it later turned out that the perpetrator was unknown to the victim.

“We have nothing to link him with her and identify a possible area of conflict,” Cele said

He said the mobile phone of Ramabulana was found on the alleged killer and it also appears that he is confessing to the gruesome attack.

The murder  came as South Africans are gearing up for the observation of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. 

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The Star

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