Magalies Water applies to pay 5.5% salary increase

Samwu has vowed to challenge Magalies Water’s exemption application at the Amanzi Bargaining Council. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Samwu has vowed to challenge Magalies Water’s exemption application at the Amanzi Bargaining Council. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Published Oct 11, 2022


Rustenburg - Magalies Water has applied to the Amanzi Bargaining Council for exemption from a collective bargaining deal so as to pay salary increases of 5.5% -- 0.5% less than the agreed 6%.

The South African Municipal Workers Union, Samwu, has vowed to challenge the application, terming it an attack on collective bargaining.

Magalies Water's spokesperson David Magae said the board had approved a 5.5% increase.

"As such, the application for the exemption is for 0.5% less than the proposed 6%, and not what was reported, as it relates to the seven vs six percent."

Samwu said as per the collective agreement, all workers in the country’s water boards were to receive a salary increase of 6%, and a housing allowance of R3 300 effective from July 2022.

"It came as a surprise to Samwu that representatives of Magalies Water elected to apply for an exemption from this collective agreement -- which they are party to -- and have been represented in the negotiations of the collective agreement," said the union’s general secretary, Dumisane Magagula.

"The application also comes at a time when there is great anxiety amongst workers as a result of the disestablishment of Sedibeng Water, and the anticipated realignment of water boards spearheaded by the department of water and sanitation."

He said the union had already activated its legal representatives for this exemption hearing.

"We are confident that workers will emerge victorious in this process. The reasons which have been put forward by Magalies Water to be exempted from this agreement cannot be used to punish workers and deny them their salary increases. These workers are already struggling to catch up with the increasing cost of living."

Magae said 5.5% takes into account the current employees of Magalies Water as well as the 399 employees that were transferred from now defunct Sedibeng Water to Magalies Water North West operations.