#BackToSchool: Comedian and dad Stuart Taylor's tips on surviving the first day

While we are used to seeing first day of school tears from kids, parents are often just as emotional. File picture: Phill Magakoe

While we are used to seeing first day of school tears from kids, parents are often just as emotional. File picture: Phill Magakoe

Published Jan 16, 2018


Cape Town - On Wednesday a whole new crop of pupils will start their formal school careers, and while this can be hugely exciting it is also a time when many parents feel anxious about seeing their precious baby go off to "big school".

For months now you will have been preparing your child for the big day, but how well have you prepared yourself? 

While we have laughed at the pictures of unwilling kids in their spanking new uniforms being handed over to their Grade 1 teacher, but what happens when it's your child? Can you cope with walking away from your crying offspring and leaving them to adjust to their new environment?

Some of us are "emotional" and we will dissolve into floods of tears when our babies enter their new school, but should we allow them to see us cry or should we tough it out and put up a brave front for them?

Comedian Stuart Taylor, a father of two young children himself, has a few words of advice to help you get through the emotional first day of school.


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