Christopher Logan was allegedly assaulted after taking a stand and calling out Hank’s Olde Irish pub for racism

Christopher Logan takes one of the owners of Hank's Olde Irish Pub to task about its racist policy. Photo: supplied

Christopher Logan takes one of the owners of Hank's Olde Irish Pub to task about its racist policy. Photo: supplied

Published Dec 5, 2022


Cape Town - The man who called out a popular Cape Town pub for its racist policies said the issue of discrimination needed to be highlighted after his black friend was denied entry, unless he was accompanied by a white patron.

A three part video was shared on Twitter on Saturday where Christopher Logan, the friend of Thabiso Danca, a black man, was denied entry at the Hank’s Olde Irish in Bree Street and was apparently told he had to bs accompanied by a white patron.

In the video, Logan tells a manager who is an older white man, that discriminating in South Africa is a crime.

Danca was denied entry into the pub by the bouncer on Thursday.

“Your bouncer stopped him (Thabiso) and asked him why are you going in, who you going in to?“He (Thabiso) said why are you asking me and then he ( the bouncer) said you can’t come in here unaccompanied without a white person.

“If you come in here, I know what you like, you steal. You guys cause trouble. You need to come in here with a white person.

“He was asked who decides this, and he said it was what the bosses have told me,” Logan is heard saying in the video.

— nathannnnn (@Natenoged) December 3, 2022

Speaking to IOL on Monday, Logan said Danca and another friend were at the pub on Thursday, December 1, for First Thursdays.

On the first Thursday of every month, arts and culture in Cape Town has a late night, with dozens of art galleries and cultural events showcasing the wealth of talent that the City has on offer.

Logan, who has visited the pub before said it was a trendy place young adults like to frequent when out in the Cape Town CBD.

However, he only found out about the racial incident on Friday, December 2.

“I only found out about the incident the next day.

“What frustrated me was that Thabiso was picked out of a line and asked to stand aside and questioned.

“This was done in public and everyone thought it was normal,” Logan said.

He said on Friday at 5pm when the pub opened he and Danca and another friend, only identified as Jordan, went to confront management at the establishment.

Logan said he felt the need to bring this up as part of the problem is people remaining quiet when racism takes place.

He said he and Danca were okay but still a bit shaken after the ordeal.

He said they had no idea this would blow up this big but are happy and relieved this important issue is getting the attention it deserved.

A fourth video also surfaced on social media where a brawl took place.

A picture of Logan with a bloodied face is also making the rounds on social media.

Logan confirmed to IOL that he and a friend were assaulted and filed charges with police.

Provincial police spokesperson Ndakhe Gwala confirmed the charges.

“This office confirms that two assault cases were registered at Cape Town Central this weekend after an altercation at a pub in Cape Town. Police are investigating, no arrest has been made yet,” Gwala said.

Logan said Danca also filed charges.

“He has filed a racism case and will also be filing a charge at the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).

“What they did to Thabiso was extremely belittling. A clear message needs to be sent: this is not normal and if you do there will be consequences,” Logan said.

On Sunday, members of the EFF in the Western Cape visited the pub with placards reading: “Racism must fall” and “EFF was here” was left on the fencing of the establishment.

In a statement, the party said the actions of the pub were blatant racism, criminalisation, racial profiling, degradation and a reduction of black people to criminals and prisoners who must always be under watch.

“This racism reveals the psychosis of many white racists who are still locked in a racist paradigm of white exclusivity and the old days of apartheid nostalgia.

“It unveils the mentality of the co-owner/s of Hank’s Olde Irish Pub, through whose racist utterances we get the sense that the pub sees itself as a whites-only pub where blacks are not welcome and when they enter, they are characterised as thieves and trouble makers.

“This is reminiscent of the infamous Separate Amenities Act of 1953 that reserved the best facilities for whites only, while facilities for other race groups were sub-standard,” it said.

The political party said this was not an individual or an isolated case but both a structural and endemic phenomenon.

It said the visit to the establishment was to ensure the pub does not operate until the racists have paid the ultimate price.