Fritz condemns 17-year-old Amahle Quku's murder as 'cruel and needless'

Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz has condemned the murder of 17-year-old Amahle Quku, from Philippi and welcomes the arrest of a male suspect. Picture: Supplied

Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz has condemned the murder of 17-year-old Amahle Quku, from Philippi and welcomes the arrest of a male suspect. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 22, 2020


Cape Town - Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz has condemned the murder of 17-year-old Amahle Quku, from Philippi, and welcomes the arrest of a male suspect in his twenties.

Quku’s body was found on Saturday morning in Browns Farm, Philippi. She had been stripped of her clothes and stones were found next to her bruised body.

According to her distraught mother, Mandulele Quku, the family found out about her death after her “bruised” pictures trended on Facebook.

“On Saturday morning her brother showed me her naked picture that was doing the rounds on Facebook, with people sending their condolences,” Mandulele said.

Fritz said Nyanga police are investigating the circumstances of Quku’s death, including the cause of death. 

“The investigation thus far has led to the arrest of a male suspect in his twenties, who has been detained for questioning. I call on SAPS to leave no stone unturned in their investigation and ensure that their investigation leads to the conviction of the guilty party,” Fritz said.

“No parent should have to bury their child. Quku’s death was cruel and needless. Femicide and gender-based violence (GBV) is at a crisis level in our province and country. GBV has absolutely no place in our society. I condemn these acts in strongest terms.”

Police spokesperson Andrè Traut said the exact cause of her death was yet to be determined. 

“Our investigation lead to the arrest of a man in his twenties who is detained for questioning regarding the murder.”

He said the investigation was still underway and further details could not be disclosed at this stage.

Fritz continued, “I have conveyed my sympathies to Quku’s family and will monitor the case closely through the court watching brief unit. I am arranging psycho-social services, through the Department of Social Development, for the family to help them cope during this difficult time.”

The MEC said that he is establishing the following programmes to create awareness of and address the prevalence of GBV:


Create a guide and disseminate information on how to get a protection order;


Appoint a full-time official within the Court Watching Brief Unit to monitor GBV and domestic violence related cases;


Establish a campaign to increase volunteers at victim support rooms and investigate stipends to incentivize volunteers; and


Provide continuous training of SAPS officials in the Domestic Violence Act.

Fritz said “each of us has a right to equality and dignity, and a duty to stand up to and report such transgressions”.

Anyone with any information which could lead to the arrest of the perpetrator/s should immediately report such either to their local SAPS or by calling 08600 10111.

Read more: 

Cape Argus

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