Cold front update: Country awakens to icy weather, but relief is on the way

File picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency (ANA)

File picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Sep 12, 2023


Most of the country woke up to cold and icy weather on Tuesday, as some regions of the country have been experiencing cold fronts with unrelenting heavy rains and winds.

There is good news for those who have had enough of the cold.

According to the weather forecasts from South Africa Weather Service (SAWS), it may get slightly warmer over the coming days.

“The cold front will move east and exits the country tomorrow causing a significant drop in temperatures over the eastern parts of South Africa while a slight improvement in day-time temperatures can be expected in the west,” said SAWS in a post on X on Monday.

— SA Weather Service (@SAWeatherServic) September 11, 2023

Various town in Western Cape and mountainous areas have had snow and are experiencing a winter wonderland during this Spring month as snow blanketed several areas.

This beautiful natural phenomenon has captured the attention of locals and tourists, with many taking to social media to share their stunning snow-covered snapshots.

— ReenvalSA (@ReenvalSA) September 11, 2023

While it has brought joy to those who rarely see snow, it has also posed some challenges, especially when it comes to staying warm.

Tips for staying warm during the cold snap

– Layer up

Dressing in layers is key to staying warm in this cold weather. Start with a base layer to keep sweat away from your body, add an insulating layer for warmth, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer to protect against the elements.

– Wear thermal socks and gloves

Although snow makes for glorious social media pictures, cold extremities can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. Invest in thermal socks and gloves to keep your feet and hands warm and dry.

– Drink warm beverages and eat hot meals

Sipping on hot tea, coffee, or hot chocolate and eating warm and hearty meals can help raise your body temperature. It's also a comforting way to ward off the cold.

– Seal drafts

Check your windows and doors for drafts and seal any gaps to prevent cold air from entering your home. This can significantly improve indoor comfort and reduce heating costs.

– Use electric blankets

If you can, use electric blankets. Electric blankets are a great way to keep warm in bed without cranking up the heat. Just remember to follow safety guidelines when using them.

– Stay active

I know exercise is the last thing you want to do in this weather but physical activity generates body heat. Engage in light exercises or even household chores to keep warm.

– Keep a backup heat source

If you have a fireplace or a portable space heater, make sure they are in working order. Use them safely and follow manufacturer's instructions.

Stay informed

Keep an eye on weather forecasts and any updates from local authorities regarding road conditions and safety precautions during snowfall.


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sa weather service