How to protect your bank accounts online

Published Oct 9, 2018


JOHANNESBURG - The South African Banking Risk Information Centre urges bank clients to take note of the following tips to protect themselves:

- Do not click on links or icons in unsolicited emails. Never reply to these emails. Delete them immediately.

- Do not believe the content of unsolicited emails blindly.

- Always type in the URL or domain name for your bank in the address bar of your internet browser if you need to access your bank’s website.

- Check it’s your bank’s genuine website before inputting any personal information.

- Make sure you are not on a spoof site by clicking on the security icon on your browser tool bar to see that the URL begins with https rather than http.

- Check for a closed green padlock next to the URL of the website. A green padlock shows that your connection with the website is secured and encrypted.

- If you think you might have been compromised, contact your bank fast.

- Create complicated passwords that are not easy to decipher and change often.

- Banks will never ask you to confirm your confidential information by phone.

- If you receive a phone call requesting confidential or personal information, do not respond and end the call.

- If you receive an OTP on your phone without having transacted yourself, it was likely prompted by a fraudster using your personal information. Do not provide the OTP to anybody by phone. Contact your bank immediately.

- If you lose mobile connectivity under circumstances where you are usually connected, check whether you may have been the victim of a SIM swop.

- Ensure that you confirm any change of banking details with someone you know at the organisation. 


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