Children shine in Act Studios’ Lynnwood Ridge Primary School Concert

One of the five skits Lynnwood Ridge Drama Learners performed at the 2024 Act Studios Concert.

One of the five skits Lynnwood Ridge Drama Learners performed at the 2024 Act Studios Concert.

Published May 20, 2024


The Lynnwood Ridge Primary School Hall was alive with the sights and sounds of youthful talent on Friday when Act Studios presented a spectacular concert featuring the dramatic prowess of 52 children from Grade 1 to Grade 7.

These young actors, who participate in drama as an extramural activity every Friday afternoon, showcased their skills to a packed hall of parents, family members, and friends, who were beaming with pride at their young stars.

Under the expert guidance of two dedicated coaches, Chule Wakaba and Omogolo “Hoxy Love” Matshane, supervised by the owner and principal of Act Studios, Debra Nel, the children delivered a series of enthralling performances. Their commitment and hard work were evident in each act, as they donned hired costumes and make-up to bring their characters to life.

In the weeks leading up to the concert, the young thespians were given scripts to read and lines to practice, ensuring they were well-prepared for their moment in the spotlight. The meticulous preparation paid off, as the audience was treated to five plays: King Neptune’s Concert, The Fancy Dress Party, Trouble at the Circus, Zaliens and Pop Idols.

“We train children to become confident communicators through drama. These concerts are held to assist children to get over stage fright and be outstanding speakers,” said Debra Nel.

Her words resonated with the audience, who could see first-hand the remarkable growth and development of the young performers, inspiring hope for the future.

The evening was not just about entertainment; it was a celebration of the children's talents and an encouragement to develop their God-given gifts. As each performance concluded, the hall was filled with applause, laughter, and pride, and the children took their bows.

The Lynnwood Ridge Primary School concert was a testament to the power of dedication, practice, and the joy of performing arts. It highlighted the importance of nurturing young talent and providing them with platforms to shine. As the final curtain fell, it was clear that the evening had been a resounding success, leaving the audience feeling proud and satisfied, with lasting memories of the performers' achievements.

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