Mayor congratulates Tshwane Comrades runners

Mayor Cilliers Brink congratulate Tshwane employees who took part in the Comrades Marathon last week. Supplied

Mayor Cilliers Brink congratulate Tshwane employees who took part in the Comrades Marathon last week. Supplied

Published Jun 17, 2024


City of Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink has congratulated municipal officials who took part in the 97th edition of the Comrades Marathon last Sunday.

Popularly known as the ultimate human race, the Comrades Marathon is an ultramarathon of approximately 88km that is hosted annually in KwaZulu-Natal between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. The 2024 edition was run in the “up” direction, thus starting in Durban and ending in Pietermaritzburg.

“As Tshwane, we applaud the 22 members from the City of Tshwane Athletics Club and the 27 members of the Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) who ran and completed the race,” said Brink.

“It is encouraging to see employees take initiative by organising themselves into fitness and running clubs, and ultimately take part in the world's largest and oldest ultramarathon. Such efforts show the kind of dedicated staff we have, including the TMPD officers who are clearly fit and in good physical condition. Its important that we celebrate and encourage these officers as we work to clean out the bad apples from our TMPD force.

“To those who could not finish the race, remember that winners never quit. We trust that you will do well in future competitions.”

Pretoria News