UP asked to conduct insourcing study for City of Tshwane

The City of Tshwane logo. Picture: File

The City of Tshwane logo. Picture: File

Published Jul 1, 2024


Council in Tshwane has resolved to commission the University of Pretoria to undertake a comprehensive study into insourcing of general workers and building in-house capacity within 60 days.

This follows a motion tabled by ActionSA in April that a feasibility study and business case promoting insourcing should be conducted and its outcomes be presented to council for consideration before June 1, 2024 to allow for budget consideration.

The feasibility study report into insourcing of workers was, however, not ready before the passing of the budget on June 6.

During a Thursday’s ordinary council meeting a mayoral committee feedback report on the insourcing of and building in-house capacity for certain municipal functions was tabled.

The report recommended, among other things, that “a thorough needs assessment is a key factor on insourcing and outsourcing and therefore the University of Pretoria must undertake such a study comprehensively within a period of sixty days”.

The report further noted that cognisance should be taken of the ongoing litigation related to insourcing.

In addition, it said that no expectation should be created prior the finalisation of the report that any specific person will necessarily be absorbed into the City.

It was also recommended that it is important to the City to identify functions that could be better performed by reducing reliance on service providers and building in-house capacity.

ActionSA caucus leader Jackie Mathabathe said his party welcomed steps taken by the coalition government to respond to insourcing.

“Insourcing has been the cornerstone of ActionSA policy agenda and its implementation will not only enhance efficiency but also foster the growth of our municipality’s internal workforce,” he said.

He said it was laudable that the report considered insourcing for cleaners, security guards, water tankers, waste collectors, grass-cutters and pothole repair staff.

He said ActionSA was in support of a move to remove private services in favour of insourcing.

On the other hand, EFF councillor Moafrika Mabogwana said his party strongly rejected the report, saying it showed that the coalition government lacks the commitment to insource and build state capacity.

“This report epitomises political unwillingness to uplift the poor by providing decent and permanent jobs,”he said.

He said the call for the feasibility study by ActionSA was not something new in the House.

The EFF, he said, was vehemently opposed to the stance that numerous questions regarding insourcing necessitated feasibility study by the University of Pretoria.

“This is merely a stalling tactic. The City of Tshwane has already insourced over 1 000 security guards and that experience alone should suffice in guarding your way forward,” he said.

The imminent study into insourcing will be undertaken despite the fact that the council previously resolved that the City must abolish the hiring of private security companies.

At the time the council resolution said the City must employ 4 000 guards in-house in a new directorate called the Asset Protection Unit, under the auspices of the Tshwane Metro Police Department.

Following the resolution the City insourced almost 1 500 security guards and promised to hire more in different stages, but that did not materialise.

Pretoria News

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