Hang onto your seat this 2022 ‒ it’s going to be a wild year, says renowned psychic



Published Jan 10, 2022


Johannesburg - Last year proved to be one of the toughest years that South Africans have endured.

But will 2022 prove to be any better?

The year has started dramatically with the blaze in Parliament and the release of the Zondo report ‒ could they be a sign of what is yet to come?

The Saturday Star caught up with one of the country’s most renowned tarot card readers, Ursula Wania, to get her predictions on the year ahead.

Wania, who is also an astrologer, numerologist, and certified theta healer, successfully predicted the election of US President Bill Clinton, the break-up between Prince Andrew and Fergie, and the choice of the new South African flag before elections.

Wania has been reading cards for more than 25 years.

Tarot cards. File image.

“If you thought 2021 was wild, hang on to your seat, it’s about to get wilder,” she warned.

“You will be told what to do in all areas of life. This will take people right out of their comfort zones. Higher authority will start clamping down hard. It will feel like you’re fighting a losing battle.

“More uncertainty during 2022 can be expected, especially where money is concerned. People are holding on to what they have and the way they live, but 2022 brings forced change.”

“By April/May big issues regarding finances will arise. Rules change and restrictions will be put into place.

“There will still be restrictions around travelling at certain times of the year. Many will lose their properties and homes.

“There will still be deaths, including children as well as babies and pregnant women. This becomes a stepping stone to bringing about the needed changes,” she said.

“The year will be both positive and negative. The energy you carried in from 2021 will spill over into 2022, so make sure that it is good.”

“More Covid ahead, different variants but the virus starts losing steam and the focus will shift to other issues.”

“Money and medical ‒ both these areas run into trouble. Companies will be under huge pressure from authority and only the toughest will survive – the ones that put their foot down and say enough is enough.

“Luxuries become scarce. Lots of sacrifices will need to be made; you’re going to need lots of courage to stand up and deal with all that will happen.

“Make sure you look after your own health; there are major changes in the medical arena.”

“Focus on you, where you’re going and what you want to achieve and do. There are problems around property, there’s a lot of underhandedness going on,” she said.

“Good things will come, but you have to be patient. We have to get through the chaos to get to the good that lies ahead.”

“There will be changes in tax laws to benefit the government. Also, changes in the way money works.

“There will also be a lot more resistance to vaccines. A woman seems to have a lot to do with this.”

Wania said unemployment numbers will soar, there will be “huge money issues, financial problems and no help from the government”.

“People will look to starting new schools or ways to improve education.”

“Religion, spirituality seems to become more important as everyone is looking for deeper meanings and truth about the chaos around.”

“Many will realise that the media has been hiding a lot of the truth. This will result in civil war in certain parts of the world. The fight will be one to keep your spirit.”

“War is a big factor during 2022, war on a different scale, not as in boots and guns.”

“There will be an increase in different health issues as well as drugs, both medical and other. People should use extreme caution in these areas. There is serious depression ahead.”

“Weather issues continue, they may get worse.”

“Governments continue taking more than they give. We will see price hikes on many levels including fuel, food, electricity, to name a few. They continue this until one fine day when the people have had enough. Electricity continues to be an issue; new ways will be found to help with this problem.

“We are going to see things we haven’t seen before and it’s going to be extremely challenging to keep moving forward, but if you’re reading this, then know that it can and will change for the better again in the future.”

The Saturday Star

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