Metro FM interview with bogus doctor Matthew Lani leaves public outraged

Matthew Lani

Matthew Lani

Published Nov 29, 2023


Just when we thought we had heard the last of the saga - he’s back in the spotlight.

Matthew Bongani Lani, widely known as “Dr Matthew Lani” on social media, received a lot of flak for claiming to be a qualified doctor in various publicised interviews and, despite his recent arrest, again on state-owned radio station Metro FM.

The 27-year-old social media influencer has been making headlines for pretending to be a medical doctor.

Lani, known for his “medical content” on social platforms, was caught impersonating Dr Sanele Zingelwa, an actual medical intern from Tembisa Hospital.

Lani's lawyer Bongani Mabunda has clarified that despite promoting himself as a health-care professional, Lani is not a registered doctor, refuting his claim of being a genuine health expert.

The lawyer announced that the charges against Lani have been dropped. According to Mabunda, there’s no evidence that anyone believed Lani was a real doctor or sought medical advice from him.

This surprising turn of events leaves many wondering what’s next for the social media sensation and whether Lani may just go back behind bars if he continues to contradict himself.

The controversy grew during his interview with Faith Mangope on Metro FM Talk.

They discussed his supposed connection to Wits University and his alleged job history at Helen Joseph Hospital.

Mangope asked pointed questions to unravel the conflicting stories, suggesting there might be false information and misrepresentation about Lani’s professional background.

He claimed to have obtained his medical degree from the University of Witwatersrand and attended Cambridge International College, however, both institutions have denied having him as a student.

During the Monday night interview, Lani confirmed that he saw patients and administered to them for “various ailments”, including stabbings, bronchitis, HIV and tuberculosis.

He claimed that his arrest at the hospital happened because of a communication breakdown, mentioning his involvement in an NGO that supports patients and helps with treatment.

— Khanyi Magubane (@Khanyi_Magubane) November 27, 2023

However, this contradicted the recent dismissal of charges against him.

People were shocked by the inconsistency, leading to a public outcry and increased doubt about the truthfulness of Lani’s statements.

Many social media users expressed their disapproval and scepticism.

Netizens strongly disapprove of the radio station giving Lani a platform when there are allegations of him giving misleading and potentially dangerous information.