5 family-friendly destinations in the Kruger National Park

A group of zebra drinking at a stream in Kruger National Park. Picture: Unsplash

A group of zebra drinking at a stream in Kruger National Park. Picture: Unsplash

Published Jun 26, 2024


There’s more to the Kruger National Park than just safari and bush adventures.

Apart from wildlife encounters, the area offers ample activities and places to explore.

Hazeyview and White River in Mpumalanga, which neighbour the park, offer a variety of opportunities for family-friendly exploration.

These activities are also perfect for individuals of all ages who are looking to spruce up their Kruger National Park travel itineraries and create long-lasting memories.

If you’re looking for an adventure for the whole family this winter break, Odele van der Merwe, the General Manager (GM) of ANEW Resort Hazyview Kruger Park has provided the following activities to add to your bucket list when travelling to the region.

The White River Art Gallery in Mpumalanga. Picture: Supplied.

Skyways Trails

According to hotel’s GM, exhilarating zip line adventure with Skyways Trails, offers Mpumalanga’s longest aerial cable trail with spectacular views of the lush landscape from the treetops.

Elephant Whispers

For those looking for close encounter’s with nature’s giants, a visit to Elephant Whispers should be on the cards.

“Get up close and personal with the gentle giants at Elephant Whispers, where you can interact with elephants in a peaceful and educational environment,” said van der Merwe.

A man rides a long Tom toboggan. Picture: Supplied

Long Tom Toboggan

The hotel GM also advised visitors to take a thrilling 1,7 km toboggan ride down the Long Tom Pass. She said the ride’s adrenaline-pumping twists and turns amidst stunning mountain scenery perfect to get your blood pumping.

She also mentioned that the Long Tom Scootours trip features two thrilling downhill runs through scenic open grasslands, indigenous forests and pine plantations.

Laser adventures at ANEW Resort White River Mbombela

Van der Merwe also revealed that from the end of June, ANEW Resort White River Mbombela will have a variety of outdoor family activities to enjoy.

“Unleash your inner warrior choosing from laser clay pigeon, archery, quad biking and air rifle shooting to name a few,” she said.

A man practices his archery skills. Picture: Supplied

White River Art Gallery

To round off your Kruger National Park visit, van der Merwe recommended a visit to the White River Art Gallery.

“Enjoy this contemporary art space, a unique visual arts platform in the Lowveld, showcasing contemporary fine art from Mpumalanga, emphasising the region's creative essence,” she said.

“With a broader scope, the gallery also features South African and Southern African artists, promoting artistic diversity.”