We will never allow state resources to be used to target leaders, says Lungisa

Andile Lungisa ANC NEC Member. Photo: Bongiwe Mchunu

Andile Lungisa ANC NEC Member. Photo: Bongiwe Mchunu

Published Jun 17, 2024


ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) member, Andile Lungisa, says the time to allow those in positions of power to use state apparatus to fight political battles is long gone.

Lungisa said ANC members could no longer sit idly by while comrades were persecuted for having a different ideology.

“We were not spectators when we went to the Polokwane Conference. It seems state institutions are targeting individuals once again. We will end this picnic without a notice,” he added.

Lungisa’s comments followed weekend reports that the National Prosecuting Authority’s (NPA) Independent Directorate (ID) was targeting ANC national chairperson Gwede Mantashe for arrest, in connection with alleged the security upgrades by Bosasa to his home.

In his State Capture Commission report released in March 2022, chairperson Chief Justice Raymond Zondo recommended that there be further investigations into Mantashe by the authorities.

At the time, Zondo said there was “reasonable suspicion” that Mantashe received the free installations for his home knowing that this was done to seek, through him, influence in terms of the departments that Bosasa did, or sought to do, business with.

However, Mantashe said the report found no prima facie case against him.

Sunday media reports suggested that law enforcement authorities were ready to pounce on the minister.

However, the Investigating Directorate rubbished the reports. ID spokesperson, Henry Mamothame, said the directorate did not normally comment about its investigations.

“However we have deemed it necessary to correct the misstatements attributed to our office. We wish to state it clearly that this office has not decided nor discussed any ‘imminent arrest’ of Mr Mantashe,” Mamothame said.

He said the comments reflected in the article were not from the ID.

“We urge to be given space to discharge our mandate without any unnecessary and unwarranted speculations and will do so without any fear, favour or prejudice.”

The Star

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