What drives a man to rape a woman?

Late Mozambican national Ananias Mathe was a serial rapist who broke into people’s homes, poisoned their dogs and raped them. File Picture: Sizwe Ndingane

Late Mozambican national Ananias Mathe was a serial rapist who broke into people’s homes, poisoned their dogs and raped them. File Picture: Sizwe Ndingane

Published Nov 18, 2020


By Cometh Dube-Makholwa

Rape is a criminal matter that carries heavy sentences for those found guilty of the crime in South Africa and the world over.

For a long time, I have wondered what drives a man to resort to raping women. Is it a lack of control of a sexual urge that seeks immediate gratification? Lack of respect for one’s health, because these animals have no consideration for the woman’s health or hygiene? Or does it have anything to do with physical appearance, which would explain why it would be difficult for a very ugly man to find a girlfriend?

Psychologists say it is about power more than anything else, a desire to humiliate, overpower and conquer.

But, how does one explain a situation where a man, 33 years old, as reported in The Star last week, enters the home of a 65-year-old woman through a window and ambushes her in her sleep?

But he got more than he bargained for. In his quest to thoroughly enjoy his rendezvous, he forced her to kiss him. That gave her the chance to bite off his tongue. Instant justice that sent him packing, ending up in the Cofimvaba Hospital where he sought medical treatment and getting arrested in the process.

More research needs to be conducted to find the answers South Africa needs in order to deal with the scourge of rape. Only men should participate in such a research study, because they are the only ones who understand the physiology of this out-of-control organ.

The Star

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