The transformative impact of community-centric PR on brands

Published Jun 25, 2024


Brand public relations (PR) has evolved into a crucial tool for business success, with community building at its core.

Young and expanding businesses are increasingly focusing on establishing genuine connections with their audiences, making community-driven PR strategies essential.

This dynamic interaction between brands and communities fosters trust, loyalty, and long-term success.

Brand public relations (PR) is a strategic communication process that focuses on building and maintaining a positive image and relationship between a brand and its target audience.

Unlike traditional advertising, which is typically direct and transactional, brand PR is about creating meaningful, long-lasting connections through storytelling, community engagement, and media relations.

The goal is to shape public perception, foster trust, and cultivate a loyal customer base by highlighting the brand’s values, mission, and achievements.

Effective brand PR strategies not only address immediate public relations needs but also anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, ensuring the brand remains relevant and respected in a rapidly changing market.

“Traditional PR methods, like media relations, press releases, and corporate communications, are no longer enough,” explains Bonnke Shipalana, Group CEO at The Allure Group.

“In the digital age, PR has expanded to include community engagement as a key component. A community comprises people with shared interests, values, or aspirations who actively connect with a business.”

Various channels, including social media, online forums, local events, and physical venues, facilitate community development. These networks serve as effective brand evangelists, amplifying messages and shaping public perception through organic interactions.

Community-driven PR’s primary advantage is building trust and credibility. Brands that actively engage with their communities demonstrate a commitment to understanding and addressing their audience's needs and concerns.

This engagement can take many forms, such as responding to customer feedback, participating in discussions, and supporting community initiatives.

A prime example of successful community-driven PR is LEGO. The iconic toy brand has leveraged its global fan base to become one of the world’s most beloved and innovative companies. The LEGO Ideas platform, launched in 2008, allows enthusiasts to submit their own ideas for potential LEGO sets.

Once a design garners 10 000 community votes, it undergoes review and, if accepted, becomes an official LEGO product, with the designer receiving a portion of the sales. By empowering fans to contribute ideas, LEGO has converted its fan base into an asset, acknowledging their worth and fostering a sense of belonging.

“Communities play a pivotal role in amplifying a brand’s messages,” says Shipalana. “In today’s social media environment, content shared by brands can quickly gain traction when community members interact with it. Shares, likes, comments, and retweets from community members extend a brand’s reach far beyond its immediate audience.”

This amplification is especially effective as it often comes with an implicit endorsement. When community members share a brand’s content, they vouch for its value to their network.

Peer-to-peer recommendations hold greater credibility than traditional advertising due to their perceived authenticity and trustworthiness.

To equip entrepreneurs, brand communicators, and marketing professionals with the tools to harness community-driven PR, The Allure Group, in collaboration with Independent Media, is sponsoring the “Building a Brand Through PR Masterclass”.

This event will feature 12 industry professionals presenting case studies and personal testimonials on enhancing brand recognition.

The masterclass will be held on Wednesday, July 3, from 9am to 4pm at the DP World Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg. Seats are available online at for R650, with virtual attendance options priced at R350.

The Star