Melsoft Academy Youth Day Scholarship

For this year’s Youth Day celebration, Melsoft Academy will be awarding three scholarships - one each to a student from our Software Engineering Bootcamp, UX/UI Design Bootcamp, and Cybersecurity Bootcamp.

For this year’s Youth Day celebration, Melsoft Academy will be awarding three scholarships - one each to a student from our Software Engineering Bootcamp, UX/UI Design Bootcamp, and Cybersecurity Bootcamp.

Published Jun 19, 2024


Melsoft Academy is proud to announce a new scholarship program designed to recognise outstanding young talent in the fields of technology and design. For this year’s Youth Day celebration, we will be awarding three scholarships - one each to a student from our Software Engineering Bootcamp, UX/UI Design Bootcamp, and Cybersecurity Bootcamp.

The Selection Process: Students currently enrolled in (or who have recently completed) one of Melsoft Academy’s accredited online or in-person bootcamp programs are not eligible to apply.

Applicants must submit a single project sample representative of their skills and experience from their respective bootcamp program.

- Software Engineering students should submit a coding project such as a web or mobile application.

- UX/UI Design students should submit a design case study, prototype, or portfolio highlighting their process and solutions.

- Cybersecurity students should submit details of a penetration test, vulnerability assessment, or security analytics project.

All submissions will be evaluated on technical proficiency, problem-solving ability, adherence to best practices, and communication/presentation skills.

The Project Submission Process: In addition to project submission, applicants are strongly encouraged to promote their work on social media using the hashtags #MelsoftAcademyScholarship and #YouthDay2024. Applicants should:

- Post about their project and scholarship interest on LinkedIn and TikTok.

- Follow and tag the official Melsoft Academy accounts on Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

- Complete a brief online application form which will be made available soon including links to their social posts and project samples.

The more actively an applicant promotes, the greater their chances of selection.

Announcement of Winners: The three scholarship recipients - one each from Software Engineering, UX/UI Design, and Cybersecurity - will be announced live at our Youth Day Celebration event on June 29, 2024.

We invite all eligible students to apply for this exciting opportunity, and encourage local businesses to support our mission of developing the next generation of tech talent.

The Star