100-year-old bear who missed his flight

The original Paddington bear, who starred in dozens of BBC television programmes about the adventures of the mischievous little orphan.

The original Paddington bear, who starred in dozens of BBC television programmes about the adventures of the mischievous little orphan.

Published Jun 18, 2013



London - Much like Paddington Bear, he was found alone amid the chaos of a travel terminal. But unlike Paddington, this lost teddy came with no note around his neck to help his rescuers identify him – just a photo that’s almost as tattered as he is.

Now staff at the airport where the one-eyed teddy was discovered are on a mission to reunite him with his owners.

The antique bear, who has one rather floppy ear, was left in a carrier bag in the departure lounge with a frayed black and white photo dated March 1918, showing him in better days with two little girls. Faded ink on the back reads “with dearest love and kisses to our darling Daddie” and is signed with the names “Dora and Glyn”.

Staff at Bristol Airport in England have spent 14 months trawling flight records looking for passengers with the same names and hoping someone would claim him. But they have drawn a blank.

Airport spokesperson Jacqui Mills, who has given Bristol Bear a temporary home on her desk, said: “He has a missing eye, a very floppy ear and I think he has had an operation to his tummy at some point, but I’m certain he has a few more cuddles in him yet.”

Teddy bear expert Edy Reilly, who runs Oldenbears repair company, said: “I do believe he is either a German or French bear, made of fine quality mohair fur.” - Daily Mail

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