B&B owner takes on Tripadvisor

Screenshot of Tripadvisor website

Screenshot of Tripadvisor website

Published Oct 16, 2012


London - A tiny B&B in the Outer Hebrides has won a landmark legal victory against holiday review website Tripadvisor.

Richard Gollin, 64, launched a small claims action at Stornoway Sheriff Court over what he says are “false and malicious” criticisms of his guesthouse in Lewis, which the site refused to take down after being posted by its users.

Until now, Tripadvisor, which is based in the US and worth around four billion dollars, has denied it was subject to UK laws and could therefore not be sued.

However, Mr Gollin’s lawyer, Duncan Burd, a solicitor who is more used to crofting cases, won a concession from the firm which has agreed it can be sued in Scotland.

The floodgates for legal action against the site could now open, because the decision could be cited in cases outside Scotland. - Daily Mail

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