Cellphones on a plane

While it was up to governments to ensure safety and national security, the airline industry shared the same objective and was working with governments to reduce risks.

While it was up to governments to ensure safety and national security, the airline industry shared the same objective and was working with governments to reduce risks.

Published Jul 3, 2013


London - As the long-haul flight from Australia circled over London Heathrow, its 400 passengers stretched awake as they neared their journey’s end.

Suddenly the giant Boeing 747 shot dramatically upwards through the early morning sky, then lurched drunkenly on to its side.

Travellers screamed in panic as the airliner started to dive steeply. Many believed that they were about to die.

Just as quickly as the crisis began, it was over - with the Qantas jumbo’s pilot regaining control. But that near-disaster in September 1998 has never been forgotten by air safety regulators.

Although the exact cause remains a mystery, an official report by Australia’s Bureau of Air Safety Investigation concluded the most likely candidate was a malfunction in the Boeing’s autopilot - and that this may have been triggered by someone on the plane using a mobile phone or a laptop.

In the four years before that incident, more than 50 official incident reports had been logged where emergencies were blamed on passengers’ electronic devices. Airliners had suddenly rolled, “porpoised” (bounced on landing), or veered off course. There were sudden drops in cabin pressure and “spurious messages” appeared on pilots’ computers.

Such incidents inspired worldwide official bans on passengers using mobiles and laptops, stretching back to the early Nineties.

In recent years, the bans have steadily been rolled back, so that in many parts of the world, you can use a mobile or laptop as long as the aircraft is safely flying above 10 000ft.

But official guidelines have continued to ban such devices when airliners are taxiing, taking off and landing, and when flying at low altitudes. This is when they are thought most vulnerable to interference from electro- magnetic energy emitted by mobiles and other personal electronic devices.

Now, however, even those restrictions are starting to be abandoned. British Airways has announced it is to be the first European airline to let passengers switch on their mobiles and other devices just after landing while the plane is taxiing back to the terminal.

From this week, once an aircraft has got off the runway people can power up their electronics, rather than having to wait until it has stopped. The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has said it is satisfied there are no safety risks.

But can anyone be sure? Scientific evidence on both sides of the argument has piled up over the past 20 years, since the airlines’ governors, the International Air Transport Association, recommended “passengers should not be allowed to use transportable electronic devices during the take-off and landing phases of flight”.

But after two decades of investigation, still no one really knows for certain what the truth is.

Our authorities have taken the threat very seriously. In July, 1999, Neil Whitehouse, 28, was jailed for 12 months for refusing to switch off his mobile on a flight from Madrid to Manchester. The court heard he was sitting only six metres from 100 pieces of electronic equipment, including navigation systems, which could have been affected.

In the first case of its kind in Britain, Whitehouse, an oil worker from Mansfield, was convicted of acting in a manner likely to endanger an aircraft.

Captain Bill Lucas, of the Airline Pilots Association, told the court: “There is no doubt that mobile phones can interfere with electronic systems on aircraft. I have witnessed air conditioning turning itself off and on because of phone use.”

At the time, the Civil Aviation Authority welcomed the court’s decision, saying: “The use of mobiles on an aircraft is a definite safety risk.”

The scientific evidence seemed conclusively to back this. A study commissioned by the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) had investigated flight incidents blamed on electronic interference, and concluded laptop computers were suspected of causing most problems, followed by mobiles.

Their electronic emissions were thought to confuse airliners’ navigation systems, which rely on accurately picking up signals from ground-based beacons.

In 1996, Northwest Airlines reported an incident on an unnamed carrier, where the navigation systems had gone awry, and a Russian passenger had been found to be using a laptop computer. When the passenger refused to turn off the device, the crew resorted to buying it from him.

Around the same time, a Canadian Airlines pilot reported how he had warned the crew the radio navigational system on his Boeing 737 was behaving erratically. But after a flight attendant told two children to turn off their Gameboys, the system went back to normal.

Were such incidents down to mere coincidence, however? Complex aircraft systems are prone to developing small glitches which then correct themselves. Perhaps the passengers’ gadgets had nothing to do with such problems.

Doubts were cast in 1997, when David Learmount, the safety editor of the commercial pilots’ magazine Flight International, reported that French investigators had submitted an Airbus airliner to blasts of powerful radar “strong enough to fry an egg on the plane”, along with radio transmissions that simulated mobiles and other wireless devices.

None of the aircraft’s systems was affected.

And engineers at Boeing conducted a four-hour test on a 737, setting up about 20 mobiles throughout the jet and monitoring the radios, navigational equipment and other controls.

A variety of flight conditions were simulated. Again, nothing was affected. Around the same time, a study of flight records commissioned by the US. FAA failed to find a single instance in which equipment was disrupted by a mobile phone.

John Sheehan, who headed the study, said that mobiles were regularly used on private and corporate planes “thousands of times every day” without incident.

But concerns persist. In 2002, tests showed that the wireless technology used on the new generation of laptops, called ultra wideband, can interfere with safety systems.

Tests on Boeing 737 and 747 aircraft by Nasa and United Airlines in California found that ultra wideband “knocked out” the collision-avoidance system, which warns the pilot of converging aircraft, and the instrument landing system that guides aircraft to runways in bad weather.

Ultra wideband may also interfere with air traffic control systems that rely on satellite signals.

Official reports linking portable electronic devices with crashes are almost unknown.

But a British government investigation into a crash in New Zealand in 2003 which killed eight people found that “the pilot’s own mobile phone may have caused erroneous indications” on the aircraft’s navigational system.

The plane landed short of the runway after the pilot called home and stayed connected during the descent.

As recently as 2005, a study by the FAA concluded mobiles can still interfere with vital flight equipment on aircraft. Nevertheless, there has still never been “smoking gun” evidence. And clamour has been steadily growing from passengers wanting to use their mobiles and laptops for as long as possible.

BA says more than three-quarters of its business travellers take their laptops on board. And across most of the world, passengers are now allowed to use their mobiles to text and make calls once their planes are above 10 000ft.

America still bans them. Passengers flying from London to New York have to switch off their electronic devices within 250 miles of the US coast.

But in May, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore was among the first to relax the rules banning mobiles until an aircraft has stopped moving on the ground. It is now permitted, once the plane is off the runway.

Now Britain has decided to follow suit. And the FAA is expected to relax its stringent rules, though perhaps not to the extent of allowing passengers to switch on gadgets while the aircraft is moving on the ground.

BA is certain that passengers will be delighted. “Customers will no longer have the frustration of having to wait until their plane has arrived at the terminal before being able to use their mobile phones and other handheld electronic devices,” said Ian Pringle, BA’s flight training manager.

At what cost will this be to aircraft safety? The fact is, we do not know. Airlines have to balance their passengers’ ever-increasing desires with the need for flight safety - not least because their reputations and their commercial futures are at stake.

Clearly, they think they have now achieved the correct balance. Let us all sincerely hope that they are right. - Daily Mail

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