Restaurateur bites back on TripAdvisor

Screenshot of Tripadvisor website

Screenshot of Tripadvisor website

Published Aug 30, 2013


London - They say you should never read your own reviews – probably because you’re usually powerless to respond.

Not any more in the age of the internet.

For one restaurateur who received a scathing review on website Tripadvisor hit back at a critic with a 1 000-word response, accusing the diner of trying to blag a free meal and mocking him for ordering chips for a starter.

Kiren Puri’s tirade has now become an internet sensation, with thousands of views, and many readers applauding him for standing up to his critic.

The site, which allows people to review restaurants, hotels and pubs, has become a major influence on the UK’s tourism industry.

But some business owners have complained of being targeted by rivals, who post fake reviews to deter their customers. The argument started after the customer claimed his meal of beef ribs and marrow bone-smoked mash at The Bladebone Inn in Bucklebury, Berkshire, was “practically inedible”. When the bill was presented to the diner without any discounts, he sought answers from a “rude and incompetent waiter” who turned out to be the restaurant owner himself.

Mr Puri, 32, who has trained in Michelin-starred restaurants around the world, including the renowned Roux brothers’ Waterside Inn, disputed the claim, saying the meat “tender and unctuous” and that only a “minuscule” amount was left on the plate.

The customer then left a one-star review on the website, summing up the restaurant’s food as “pretty aweful [sic]”.

On reading the review, Mr Puri became so angered that he felt the need to respond. Mr Puri suggested the diner had targeted other restaurants in the same way and was seeking “freebies and money off”.

He added: “You claim to be foodies. I have never met a self professed foodie start his meal with a bowl of chips.”

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Mr Puri explained: “This man’s review was an unfair representation of the evening. He came here with the wrong attitude, he was looking for things to complain about.”

The Bladebone Inn was awarded Tripadvisor’s certificate of excellence this year and has a four-star rating on the site.

The diner could not be contacted for a response. - Daily Mail

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