Would you fly on a plane with no pilot?

The industry believes automated planes will be safer - and will do away with pilot error, a major cause of accidents.

The industry believes automated planes will be safer - and will do away with pilot error, a major cause of accidents.

Published May 17, 2013


London - As a blue and red 16-seater plane accelerated along a runway last month in northern England, there was nothing to suggest its voyage was anything out of the ordinary.

But minutes later, as the plane turned north and began a 500-mile round trip from Lancashire to Inverness, history was made. Once the craft was safely at cruising altitude, the pilot flicked a switch and handed control to a trained controller sitting at a computer screen many miles away on the ground.

For the first time in aviation history, a “pilotless” passenger plane was flying over mainland Britain. That concept might make many people uneasy. But, according to the air industry, it is the future of flight.

Some predict that within five, ten or 20 years, commercial jets will routinely be flown by remote control over our towns and cities.

So will we ever get used to climbing aboard our holiday flight to Cyprus or Greece and, instead of being greeted with a welcome from an upbeat and commanding captain, be met only with an automated message?

And those soothing words of reassurance in mid-air as the plane is buffeted through a nasty patch of turbulence? They, too, could soon be a thing of the past.

Supporters of so-called “autonomous aircraft” justify their developments on safety grounds. If most accidents are caused by human error, they argue, then surely it makes sense to remove people from the equation?

But the arrival of such craft in our skies raises disturbing questions. Some fear it could make passengers more vulnerable to computer failure and put planes at greater risk of being hijacked by cyber-terrorists hacking into control systems.

And however much the industry might insist on their absolute safety, how many of us would actually dare to go up in such an aircraft?

Britain and the US have been using unmanned military drone aircraft for years. However, the next generation of pilotless planes are not designed for warfare, but to fly passengers and cargo around the globe.

Last month’s test flight over the UK was part of the Astraea project - the £62-million Autonomous Systems Technology Related Airborne Evaluation and Assessment programme funded by industry and the Government.

The Astraea team took a standard Jetstream aircraft and added banks of computers, sensors and high definition cameras to turn it into an experimental ‘uninhabited air vehicle’.

The craft - nicknamed the Flying Test Bed - is able to cruise in British airspace with no human involvement, though not yet without any humans on board.

The high-definition cameras in the cockpit and underneath the craft scan the skies for weather systems and feed the information back to the computerised navigation system, allowing the craft to change course automatically to avoid storms and turbulence.

Meanwhile, cameras are on the look out for mid-air hazards such as other aircraft, weather balloons and even parachutes.

Again, the computer’s “sense and avoid” technology will adjust the navigation if something is on collision course. Manufacturer BAE Systems boasts its can track up to 20 000 objects simultaneously.

The aircraft’s progress is monitored on the ground by an operator who is sent, via radio and satellite, the images taken by the cameras, and the data from the plane’s sensors.

The operator can override the plane’s computers and fly or land the craft by remote control if needed. But if contact is lost - say the signals fail - the plane is programmed to land safely by itself.

It is given potential landing strips - such as playing fields or other flat areas - and uses heat sensors and optical cameras to check if they are free from obstacles or people before landing.

Under existing UK aviation rules, the Jetstream is unable to take off and land autonomously. So during the most recent test flight, two pilots sat in the cockpit to control both operations. In between, they sipped cups of coffee. On the outbound flight from Warton Aerodrome in Lancashire the pilots passed control to a ground-based operator once take-off was complete.

On the return flight, control was given to the onboard navigation and robotics system.

BAE Systems says the technology has been tested on 11 aircraft and on 80 flights over the past year, including a simulated search-and-rescue mission using two unmanned craft. In tests, it was shown to be as effective and safe as a human pilot.

The firm believes the pilotless craft could be used within five to ten years for scientific experiments - examining weather or volcanic ash clouds - or search-and-rescue missions. After that, they could be used as cargo planes.

The industry believes automated planes will be safer - and will do away with pilot error, a major cause of accidents.

Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal, Astraea Programme Director at BAE Systems, says: “Unmanned civil aircraft are an exciting new opportunity. We see these aircraft undertaking dangerous roles in poor conditions . . . such as search-and-rescue missions.”

There is no talk yet of introducing it for passenger flights, but that could soon change, especially when you consider that another advantage of abolishing cockpit pilots is that it saves money. One ground-based operator could, in theory, keep an eye on several planes at once.

And, unlike humans, computers don’t get tired, don’t need lavatory breaks, don’t have unions and don’t need regular rest periods (or get drunk at parties with stewardesses the night before they fly).

BAE Systems also points out that aircraft have been controlled by computers for years. On a typical long-distance flight, autopilots fly the plane for between 80 and 90 percent of the trip.

And that’s not just the dull bits in the middle either. Many commercial pilots routinely land at Heathrow with the help of automated systems.

Before unmanned craft routinely take to the skies, the flight rules would need to be overhauled. To do that, the industry will need to convince regulators that their automated systems are foolproof.

Yet computer software, as we are reminded almost daily, has a nasty habit of going wrong.

Last year, a fault in the banking software of NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland left many of its 17 million customers unable to check accounts or access money. The bank suffered another, unrelated failure in March.

Naturally, the aviation industry insists robotic planes will be packed with safety features. But while automation has - statistically speaking - made flying safer than ever, accidents still happen.

On February 25, 2009, a Turkish Airlines Boeing 373 dropped out of the sky short of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, killing nine people, including all three of the cabin crew. The crash was caused by a faulty radio altimeter - a device that monitors a plane’s altitude using radio waves - which also controlled the aircraft’s automatic thrust systems.

The auto-thrust wrongly believed the plane was just above the runway and cut power to the engines. The crew tried to regain control, but the automatic systems wouldn’t let them and the plane fell into a field.

In the same year, Air France flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic, killing 228 people, after the autopilot switched itself off and the plane stalled at 38 000ft.

Chris Cole, who runs the website Drone Wars UK, believes remote-controlled planes are unreliable. He has collated details of around 100 drone crashes since 2007 - including nine since the start of the year.

“There are huge safety concerns, but the industry likes to play them down,” he says. “The technology they use is akin to wireless technology, and we know how hard it is to stay connected when you are moving.”

- Daily Mail

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