Man sentenced to life after rape and murder of woman he had lured from a club

Bianca Matroos was murdered. Facebook image

Bianca Matroos was murdered. Facebook image

Published Mar 22, 2022


Cape Town - Convicted rapist and killer Revticken Patrick Muller has been sentenced to life and ten years imprisonment for the murder of Bianca Chantel Matroos in George.

It was a murder that shook the town of George in November, 2019.

The State proved that Muller had met Matroos at Club Nitro, where he had lured her while she had been in the company of her friends.

The State was armed with CCTV footage where Muller was seen in the company of his victim, who had been forced into his vehicle on November 14.

Three days later, on November 17, Matroos’ body was found between two concrete blocks on the grounds of George Riding Club.

Muller, who had returned to the same club on November 24, 2019, was arrested.

The State had also used the versions of witnesses to convict Muller, who had been called cunning and devious by Judge Elize Steyn.

After the totality of the evidence, Steyn sentenced Muller to life imprisonment for the murder and ten years for rape.

Eric Ntabazalila of the National Prosecuting Authority said their office was pleased with the court’s findings.

Western Cape Director of Public Prosecutions, Advocate Nicolette Bell, welcomed the sentence.

“Our concerted efforts to fight gender-based violence are bearing fruit as the courts are handing down heavy sentences, which fit the heinous crimes committed by accused persons. We know that the wounds of the Matroos family are not yet healed, but we hope that they will find solace knowing that this accused will be in prison for a long time for the crimes he committed on their loved one,” she said.

Ntabazalila detailed the sentencing and State’s case and commended the police.

“Muller was sentenced to life imprisonment for premeditated murder and 10 years imprisonment for rape. The two sentences will run concurrently, and he is effectively sentenced to life imprisonment.

“The successful conviction and plausible sentence follow an intense investigation by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), who followed the movements of the deceased and the accused, using CCTV footage from the nightclub to where her naked body was found at the George Riding Club.”

During judgment, Judge Steyn described Muller as defiant and, a liar: “The deceased, a small, slender, young woman was viscously and brutally murdered. How callous was the accused to return to the club about a week later, even wearing similar clothing”.

“I experienced the accused as indifferent, bordering on defiant. The multiple, often incoherent, often contradictory versions of the accused when testifying, and the statements put, or not put to witnesses show that he is a skilled, devious, cunning liar.”

"I weighed the evidence of the witnesses against that of the appellant.

“After careful consideration, after reviewing the totality of the evidence, disputed and undisputed facts and circumstantial evidence, I have concluded that the evidence of the witnesses for the State was credible, probable and consistent, supported by other evidence and video footage.

"The evidence of all the State witnesses is accepted. I am satisfied that the State has proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused raped and murdered Bianca Matroos. I find that he had direct intent not only to rape her but also to murder her.”

Weekend Argus