Uncovering ancient wonders: The world’s oldest termite mounds found in South Africa

Aerial views of Namaqualand heuweltjies covered by spring flowers. The flowers grow preferentially on the mounds because they are richer in nutrients than the surrounding soil. The researchers excavated a trench through the mounds using an excavator to uncover the deeper soil around the mound. This was necessary because the soils of mound landscape are very hard – a hardpan called dorbank. After the researchers were finished the mounds were closed up so that the termites were not left vulnerable to predation. Their biggest predator is the aardvark, and many of the mound centers are dug out as the aardvarks dig for termites. Picture: Supplied

Aerial views of Namaqualand heuweltjies covered by spring flowers. The flowers grow preferentially on the mounds because they are richer in nutrients than the surrounding soil. The researchers excavated a trench through the mounds using an excavator to uncover the deeper soil around the mound. This was necessary because the soils of mound landscape are very hard – a hardpan called dorbank. After the researchers were finished the mounds were closed up so that the termites were not left vulnerable to predation. Their biggest predator is the aardvark, and many of the mound centers are dug out as the aardvarks dig for termites. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 15, 2024


In what has been described as an astonishing breakthrough, scientists have discovered the world’s oldest, inhabited termite mounds along the Buffels River in Namaqualand. These mounds, dating back a staggering 34000 years, are rewriting our understanding of prehistoric life, climate and carbon storage.

These termite mounds are inhabited by the southern harvester termite, Microhodotermes viator, explains lead author on the study, Dr Michele Francis, a senior lecturer (extraordinary), in the Department of Soil Science at Stellenbosch University (SU).

“Recent radiocarbon dating has revealed these mounds are far older than any previously known, with some dating as far back as 34000 years.”

The mounds are still inhabited by termites, and the radiocarbon dating of the organic carbon within these mounds has shown ages ranging from 13 000 to 19 000 years, while the carbonate dates back up to 34 000 years. This make the Buffels River mounds the oldest active termite mounds to be dated so far with both organic and inorganic carbon. The previous oldest inhabited mounds from different species from Brazil are 4 000 years old.

“These mounds were already ancient when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth. During the Last Glacial Maximum, around 20 000 years ago, massive ice sheets covered parts of North America, Europe and Asia. These mounds were already thousands of years old by then, providing a living archive of environmental conditions that shaped our world,” said Francis.

These ancient mounds are more than just a historical curiosity; they serve as valuable records of prehistoric climate condition.

“The heuweltjies (little hills) have shown that during their formation, the region experienced significantly more rainfall than today. This wetter climate allowed for minerals such as calcite and gypsum to dissolve and move down to the groundwater.

“This process is crucial in understanding natural carbon sequestration processes. What is interesting is that Namaqualand still has sporadic episodes of intense rainfall, like last winter, which would re-activate the process,” said Francis.

The mounds also offer two mechanisms to sequester carbon dioxide, adds Francis. Firstly, the harvesting activities of termites inject younger organic material deep into their nests, leading to continuous renewal of important soil carbon reservoirs at depth.

Secondly, these calcareous termite mounds offer a way to remove CO2 when the soil mineral calcite dissolves. This is a long-term carbon storage that companies are seeking to replicate in enhanced weathering or ocean alkalinity enhancement projects, and is important for calculating a country’s carbon budget as laid out in the Paris Agreement.

Dr Andrew Watson, Marli Kleyn (MSc), Dr Jani van Gend and Dr Michele Francis, lead author on the study, and Senior Lecturer (Extraordinary) in the Department of Soil Science at SU.

“Their age, and the insights they provide into ancient ecosystems, make them a candidate for global recognition as a natural wonder,” said Francis.

“By studying these mounds, scientists can gain a better understanding of how to combat climate change, utilising nature’s own processes for carbon sequestration. They also highlight the importance of preserving our natural world, as these tiny engineers have been shaping our environment for tens of thousands of years.

“The discovery of the world’s oldest termite mounds in Namaqualand is a testament to the incredible history hidden beneath our feet. These mounds not only illuminate the past but also offer vital clues for our future. As we continue to uncover the secrets of these ancient structures, they stand as a reminder of the delicate interplay between climate, environment, and life on Earth,” concludes Francis.

The pioneering research was conducted by a dedicated team from SU’s Departments of Soil Science and Earth Sciences, in collaboration with experts from the Institute for Nuclear Research in Hungary. Their findings have been published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

The heuweltjies are now being studied further by a SU PhD student as part of a joint United States (National Science Foundation) - South Africa (National Research Foundation) collaboration grant to find out more about their carbon storage potential.

Weekend Argus