Is it selective amnesia, a deliberate omission of facts to establish white dominance or a simple lack of mindfulness, that so much is not known about people from ...
So many people have fond memories of Newspaper House in Cape Town, which will no longer be the home of Independent Media. But its legacy lives on.
Our world is in turmoil right now, with much uncertainty, loss and bleakitude, yet each day presents an opportunity to be the change we want to see in the world, ...
Today is World Youth Skills Day, and it comes at a time when there are more unemployed young people than ever before. What’s more, those still learning skills are ...
Our Blue Planet, much like our bodies, is made up of mainly water and our existence depends on it being a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Plastic, oil and chemical ...
Ecological healing is achievable in South Africa provided that everyone from government to corporates and everyday citizens plays their part.
Durban prides itself on its long stretches of shoreline but when the Umgeni River comes down in flood, so does a flotilla of plastic debris which eventually runs ...
Citizen activists, NGOs, ward councillors and volunteers have made a difference by clearing rubbish from the Hennops River in Gauteng and want to expand their efforts ...
On her deathbed at the age of 89, Dorothy Struthers asked her neighbour Diya Patel to spread the word to get people to adopt more humane ways of dealing with insects ...
The concept is based on a set of principles that allow us to look after ourselves, each other and the planet in a way that is fair and sustainable.
It can be heartbreaking when pests chomp their way through your veggie patch. There are ways to deter them which won’t damage the plants, the garden or the environment. ...
If you don’t have much space here are the 5 steps to follow to create an urban vegetable garden
A balcony, stoep or small piece of ground at your entrance can easily be turned into a patch that produces vegetables and gives you a sense of achievement.
When the gardening bug bites, it often sends newbies into a frenzy of overdoing things and, ultimately, messing up their grand plan.
Trevor Balzer, Acting Director General of the Department of Water and Sanitation, said by embracing the power of partnerships between the private, public and civil ...
Some things never change, like our need to always have the latest fashion, looking on fleek and feeling great when we go out, even if it does mean having to match ...
Getting children to learn how to grow vegetables at school is an idea which is growing in popularity across Mzansi.
Vertical gardens have become quite the trend as gardeners look at new ways to maximise their enjoyment of their outside area.
Huge advances have been made to reduce the amount of plastic that goes to landfills or gets discarded in the environment.
Some things never change, like our need to always have the latest fashion, looking on fleek and feeling great when we go out, even if it does mean having to match ...
Her protests in the 70s that got her arrested were against the Vietnam war, but her latest campaign is aimed at wasteful consumerism in our troubled world.
Nurdles are used to mould plastic products but in the sea they enter the food chain when fish and filter-feeders like whales mistake them for food, such as eggs ...
There are ways to zig-zag through the obstacle course of attaining a green life that looms ahead.
Most plastic waste ends up in our seas by being washed down rivers, as well as from shipping activity.
There are many different companion combinations which your nursery or seasoned gardener can advise you on.