The fire on Monday September 9 caused extensive damage to the Penduka family’s Rev Marawu Crescent home in Mandela Park, Khayelitsha.
The community of Mandela Park in Khayelitsha has rallied behind a family whose house was gutted by fire.
The Pendukas, of Reverend Marawu Crescent, were woken by smoke in the early hours of Monday September 9. A neighbour called the fire brigade at 2.15am, and then she called Nomahlubi Penduka, who was visiting friends a street away from her burning home.
Ms Penduka said she had heard a commotion as residents had tried to put out the fire and she had rushed back home to find her brother, Siphelo Myoyo, 27, rescuing her twin girls, Minehle and Melokuhle, aged 7; her 10-year-old son, Kanelo; and her 19-year-old daughter, Luvolwethu, a second-year law student.
“When I got there, it was total chaos. Flames were huge, and I could only think of my children and brother,” she said.
She said the fire was started by a candle that had been lit by a relative who is known to have a drug problem.
“He apparently came in looking for me and was told I was not there, but he managed to get in the house, where he left a burning candle before leaving,” said Ms Penduka.
The Mandela Park fire brigade extinguished the fire, but most of the house and furniture was already badly damaged or destroyed.
A report from firefighter officials given to the family and seen by Vukani confirmed that ‘’open flames“ had caused the fire.
“Everything inside the house burnt to ashes: identity documents, birth certificates, clothes, beds, blankets, the stove, fridge and all the furniture were destroyed, said Ms Penduka. “We have lost everything in the fire. We are only left with the clothes we are wearing.”
She is now staying with a neighbour, and her three young children are with her aunt in Gugulethu while Luvolwethu is staying at a friend’s home.
Community leader and evangelist Nosipho Magcoba, from the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, who also stays in the area, said the local leadership had been asking the community to help the family.
“I approached Ward 97 councillor Mthwalo Mkhutswana, and we both went to the taxi owners who generously donated R10 000 towards this effort. We are happy and are still asking for more good Samaritans to follow suit,” she said.
According to the fire department’s report, damage is estimated at R100 000.
Mr Mkhutswana said he would arrange a quick application for the necessary documents so the family could apply for emergency support from the relevant departments.
“The young children must be getting social grants, and my office will make sure we help them access that,” he said.
The Cape Organisation for Democratic Taxi Association (Codeta) president Fikile George said: “We try to help almost everyone who comes here, but it is impossible. Some cases demand that we dig deep in our pockets. Families in distress concern us a great deal.”
Mandela Park community leader Andile Ntengento said: “We call upon businesses in Khayelitsha to follow suit and open their purses to this family. I am thankful to Mr George and his executive.”
DA proportional representative councillor Vuyokazi Matanzima has also offered to help the family after hearing about their ordeal through a friend.
“This is bad to happen to any family, especially during this time of the year. But I have contacted a few individuals to lend a hand. In things such as IDs and birth certificates, I will make sure that they get them in no time. There are positive responses from people."
She said she had also met with the alleged drug addict and was trying to help him too.
“I spoke to him. He sounded willing to get help. I will try, but, again, all lies with him. But when I spoke to him, he was willing to get help,” she said.