Ernest Ficks, 45, of Eastridge, says he has trouble getting on and off MyCiTi buses as they have no ramps.
An Eastridge man with cerebral palsy who uses an electric wheelchair says he battles to get on and off MyCiTi buses as they have no ramps.
Ernest Ficks, 45, has laid a complaint with MyCiTi, which he blames for damage caused to his wheelchair when he got off a bus in November 2023.
“The piece of my chair that broke is called a fork. I had to pay for my chair to be fixed as they mailed the damage charges back to me.”
Plainsman watched as the bus drivers had to physically lift Mr Ficks’s electric wheelchair in order to get him onto the bus without the aid of a ramp.
“Lifting up the wheelchair is very heavy, and sometimes the bus driver is female and she can't help,” said Mr Ficks, who is able to stand but only for short periods.
“I'm fighting, I want answers. My health is important. Sometimes people laugh at me, but it makes me strong.”
Mayoral committee member for urban mobility Rob Quintas said the City was in the process of asking the vehicle operating company to contact Mr Ficks to obtain further details and assist with a possible claims process.
He said all MyCiTi buses had ramps and were tested for roadworthiness every six months.