
LIVE FEED: Ramaphosa addresses the nation on Easter weekend lockdown regulations

IOL Reporter|Published

President Cyril Ramaphosa Picture: Jiarus Mmutle

DURBAN - South Africans have been playing the guessing game all week, wondering if President Cyril Ramaphosa will ban the sale of alcohol or impose stricter curfew times ahead of the Easter weekend. Tonight we shall find out.

Ramaphosa will address the country following a meeting earlier today with the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), the President’s Co-ordinating Council (PCC) and the cabinet.

As South Africa rolls out its national Covid-19 vaccination programme, the government and social partners are continuously monitoring infection, treatment and patient recovery rates, as well as compliance with health regulations and other prevention measures.

Sources have claimed that the Ramaphosa could just ban alcohol.

Kurt Moore, chief executive of the South African Liquor Brandowners association, said they had met with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) over possible restrictions.

"We did meet with the DTI. They expressed concerns about a possible third wave over the Easter period and that they were considering restrictions on alcohol sales over the period. However, we have no idea what the details of the restrictions could be at this stage," Moore said.

Last week, the Ministerial Advisory Committee chairperson, Professor Barry Schoub, said the committee had advised the government to implement tougher restrictions in a bid to stem the tide of the coronavirus third wave hitting South Africa.

He said the tighter restrictions would be temporary and should be quickly lifted after Easter.